Hippophae rhamnoides



Hippophae rhamnoides, the common sea buckthorn, is among the most wiedspread species in this genus. Its range extends from Europe throughout Asia. The plant’s oils have valuable analgesic properties, and therefore have made this plant and its relatives valuable in traditional medicine throughout the world. Preparations of Hippophae are used as a remedy for gastro-intestinal ailments, respiratory ailments, and influenza. Regarding influenza, the plant is revered in some cultures as both a cure and a preventative strategy. Buckthorn is a common ornamental, and therefore is relatively easy for many people to access, even in urban or semi-urban settings.

Thymus marschallianus

Source: Flora of China.

Source: Flora of China.

Thymus marschallianus and its relatives in the genus Thymus, known commonly as thyme (RU Тимьян Маршалла), are popular spices and herbs throughout the globe. In Central Asia, its leaves and berries have long been incorporated into traditional medicines. Further, the leaves of the plant are fragrant and flavorful, and may be harvested at any time and consumed fresh, cooked, or dried. The leaves and berries may also be brewed as a tea.

Taraxacum spp.

Source: Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen

Source: Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen

Taraxacum is a genus that most everyone is familiar with: the dandelion (RU одуванчик). Among the most recognizable of weeds in the Northern Hemisphere, the dandelion is a rich source of vitamins (A, B, and C primarily), minerals, and other trace nutrients. In addition, it has long been used as a medicinal herb, having demonstrated useful characteristics as a digestive aid, an immune system booster, and is even thought to slow progress of certain cancers. The plant is also believed to be useful in lowering cholesterol and regulating insulin and blood sugar levels.

The leaves can be cooked or eaten raw, and make a nice addition to green salads. The leaves and/or flowers can be brewed into tea. The roots may also be stewed or brewed as tea and are renowned for their medicinal properties. The flavour of dandelion can be bitter if harvested in the summer months, but this is less of an issue if harvested in the spring or fall, and can be reduced by cooking.


Chamaenerion angustifolium


Chamaenerion angustifolium, known as Fireweed in North America (RU кипрея; иван-чай), is a common and aesthetically stunning herb throughout the Nothern Hemisphere. It is thought in Russian culture that preparation of Fireweed into an herbal tea (called Ivan-chai) was thought up in a village called Kaporya, and from there made its way to Petersburg and gained popularity in 19th Century Russia as a fragrant and tasty tea.

Outside of Russia, the plant has a long history of use in folk medicine by indigenous peoples throughout the Northern Hemisphere, including Central Asia, North America, and Europe.


The young leaves of this plant are edible fresh or cooked. Preparations of the green tissues of Fireweed have commonly been used in folk medicine as a remedy for syphilis and gonorrhea. The leaves and flowers can also be prepared as an herbal tea.

Echinacea spp.

Source: Paul Mirocha Illustrations

Source: Paul Mirocha Illustrations

Echinacea spp., the Cone Flower genus, is a common North American native plant in the Aster family. The plant is widely used as an ornamental, and has recently attracted much attention for its uses as an herbal medicine and nutrition supplement. Preparations of Echinacea are renowned for their immune system benefits. The leaves and flowers can be brewed as a tea, and the thick, dark rhizomes can be eaten dried or fresh (many consider the flavour of these roots to be quite intense and fascinating).

Ephedra equisetina

Атлас ареалов и ресурсов лекарственных растений СССР, 1983

Атлас ареалов и ресурсов лекарственных растений СССР, 1983

Ephedra equisetina, common name Ephedra, is among the most widely-recognized medicinal plant genera in the world. Its use by indigenous peoples as a remedy for respiratory ailments and symptoms of the common cold has been documented for centuries. Abundant in Central Asia, species E. equisetina has played an important historical role in traditional medicine in the region. However, much global controversy has arisen regarding the safety of Ephedra. The sale and use of Ephedra derivative Ephedrine is currently banned by many governments and international organizations.

Green branches of the shrub are traditionally brewed as a tea.

Ephedra equisetina, общепринятое название Эфедра, является одним из самых признанных лекарственных родов растений в мире. Его использование коренными народами как средство от респираторных заболеваний и симптомов простуды были задокументированы на протяжении веков. В Центральной Азии, вид E. equisetina играет важную историческую роль в традиционной медицине в регионе. Однако многое глобальный спор возник в отношении безопасности эфедры. Продажа и использование эфедры в настоящее время запрещено многими правительствами и международными организациями.

Зеленые ветки куста традиционно заваривают как чай.

Achillea millefolium L.


Fitch, W.H. Illustrations of the British Flora. 1924.

Achillea millefolium L., common name Yarrow, is an herb common to many regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The plant has been used for centuries as a medicinal remedy for inflammatory and digestive disorders. The effectiveness of Yarrow as an herbal medicine has been scientifically confirmed (Benedek and Kopp, 2007).

The leaves of A. millefolium can be brewed as a tea. The seeds and florets of the plant exude a pleasant aroma.

Achillea millefolium L., общепринятое название тысячелистника. Медицинская трава, которая находиться в многих регионах Северного полушария. Растение было использовано на протяжении веков как лекарственное средство при воспалительных и желудочно-кишечный тракт. Эффективность этой растений как фитотерапии было научно подтверждено (Benedek и Kopp, 2007).

Листья А. Millefolium можно заваривать как чай. Семена и цветочки растения источают приятный аромат.